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Hartford Courant Databases: Home

Information about the content of the three Hartford Courant databases

Hartford Courant Databases (Requires a Hartford Public Library card to access when not at a library location.)

Hartford Public Library provides access to the Hartford Courant in three separate databases: 


Hartford Courant (1764--1998) 

Contains PDF images of every page in the newspaper. Includes photos, advertisements, and obituaries. 


Hartford Courant (1992--today's issue)

Provides only the full text of articles. Does not include photos or advertisements. Does contain obituaries, but the obits maybe abbreviated. Note: To read the newspaper issued on a specific date (including today’s) click here and choose the date of the issue you wish to view. Click here to read the articles that appeared on the Hartford Courant website arranged by the date they appeared. 


Hartford Courant (2008—approximately two weeks ago)

Contains PDF images of every page in the newspaper. Includes photos, advertisements, and obituaries. Note: It typically takes about two weeks after an issue is published for it to be scanned and entered in this database.


Hartford Courant (1764--present): You can search all three databases at once by clicking here.


Hint: To find an obituary Click on Advanced Search and change the Document type to Obituary before doing a search on the name of interest.

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