Hartford Times Photographs
“League of Women Voters” (2 relevant photos), box 10
“Associations: Women’s Liberation” (1 suffrage photo, other general), box 11
HCOLL Photographs
C50 “Suffrage Headquarters, 55 Pratt Street. Mrs. George Day at the Files, Mrs. M Bennett at the desk, Miss C M Flanagan at the register, Miss Elizabeth Flanagan at the multigraph”.
Connecticut Explored
“Suffragettes” Fall 2005, volume 3, #4.
“Women’s Rights” Fall 2005, volume 3, #4 and Spring 2010, volume 8, #2.
Suffrage News Bulletin
April 1918 – October 1920
Call Number: JK1880.C66
Hartford Scrapbooks
Volume 7 page 55 “Suffrage Parade”
Volume 15 page 149 “Katherine B Day” and “Mrs. T.H. Hepburn”
1899 McAdam, S. M. “Suffrage in Connecticut. A study and Proposal”.
1900 Hooker, Isabella Beecher “The Constitutional Rights of the Women of the United States”.
1902 Hooker, Isabella Beecher “Memorial of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association to the Constitutional Convention Assembled in Hartford, Connecticut, January 1, 1902.”
Social Issues and Organizations: Suffrage (1of 1)
History: Women Who Have helped Make Hartford (1 of 1)
Biography: Isabella Beecher Hooker (1of 1).
Remarkable Women of Hartford
Boynton, Cynthia Wolfe
Call Number: F104.H3 B69 2014
History of Woman Suffrage
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Call Number: JK1896.S8 1881A CS Ref Volumes 1-6
Woman Suffrage and Woman’s Profession
Beecher, Catharine Esther
Call Number: HI 1871 BEECHER
Woman’s Suffrage: The Reform Against Nature
Bushnell, Horace
Call Number: JK1901.B96
Woman’s Profession as Mother and Educator: With Views in Opposition to Woman Suffrage
Beecher, Catharine Esther
Call Number: LKC1421.B42
Legal Disabilities of Married Women in Connecticut
Hickox, George A.
Call Number: HI 1871 HICKOX
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