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An Overview of HPL Services

An overview of some of our services.

Hartford City ID 

aka Municipal (Muni) ID

Please contact the library to set up an appointment.

Cost of ID Card

Adults 18 & over    $25.00

Youth 17 & under   $15.00

Seniors 65 & over  $15.00

ID Renewal            $15.00 (Return of expired ID required)

When will I get my Hartford City ID?

You should receive your ID in the mail in 3-4 weeks.

This service is provided by the City of Hartford Office of Community Engagement.

Questions about requirements, pricing, or benefits of the card?

Contact: Melinda L. Johnson

Director of Community Engagement

Director, Office of Community Engagement, Office of Mayor Arunan Arulampalam

550 Main St., Rm 203, Hartford, CT 06103

Office: 860.757.9525 Mobile: 860.541.1827


Applying for a Hartford City ID

What Can I Do with a Hartford City ID?

The Hartford City ID is not a substitute for a state-issued ID or Driver's License. 
The Hartford City ID card is an accessible and secure document that enables residents to access City services and grant admission to City buildings, such as schools. In addition, the card can be presented as proof of identification for interacting with the police. Some banks and credit unions may also accept the Hartford City ID as an accepted form of primary or secondary identification for opening a banking account.  You must first check with the financial institution.


What do I need to apply for a Hartford City ID?

You must live in the City of Hartford and provide three (3) documents: 

  • one (1) Proof of Identity document with your photograph and Date of Birth from Primary List
  • one (1) Proof of Identity from Secondary List, AND
  • one (1) Proof of Hartford Residency document
List of acceptable documents


How do I apply for the Hartford City ID?

Call 860-695-6300. You will be put in touch with an agent, who will conduct a brief phone consultation to ensure you have the proper documentation. 

The appointment will be held at the Hartford Public Library and take 15-30 minutes. Your documents will be verified and your photo will be taken. 


How much does it cost to apply for the Hartford City ID?
  • Adults 18 & over .........$25.00
  • Youth 17 & under........$15.00
  • Seniors 65 & over........$15.00 

Cash is the only accepted form of payment.


When will I get my Hartford City ID?

You should receive your ID in the mail in 3-4 weeks.


Are Spanish-speaking agents available?

Yes, please request a Spanish-speaking agent when you call. 




Hartford Public Library 

Central Branch:  500 Main Street. Hartford, CT 06103 
Phone: 860-695-6300 | Text: 860-530-4376 | Email: | Chat:
For Branch locations and hours, click here